EASY how TO PLAY rules below


This fun fifteen minute experience is for two players to enjoy as they align their brains when the scary yet exciting announcement is made! What announcement? The declaration that we know all too well from our favourite movies and books! 


aim of the game

Apackalyptic is a team game where two players will choose an item that they think a character in front of them would pick as a priority. You score a team point when both players select the same item but you miss out on a point, if you choose different priority items!

set up and how to play

In your box you’ll have seven Character Cards and eleven Item Cards. Set up your game by separating the Character Cards and the Items Cards into two decks. Now flip them over so they’re facing downwards.

Draw a Character Card and read out the information about that character. You’ll see at the top of the Character Card says to draw either two or three Items Cards. After you’ve drawn and displayed the right amount of item cards, it’s thinking time! Don’t hint to one another what you’re thinking. Consider the character and the items in front of you and what you believe their priority item would be at the beginning of an apocalypse! Ask to see if your teammate is ready for you to reveal a choice. Be honest and both reveal your choice!

Have fun talking about why you think the characters would take an item! If you chose the same item Card, that’s a point! Place the Item Card of choice and the Character Card together and over to the side. Leftover Item Cards go back under the deck of Items. If you chose differently, unfortunately you missed out on a team point! Place the character to the side but place all the Item Cards back under the Item Deck.

The maximum amount of points you’ll score in this game is seven! Play again and see if your score as a team improves! You might find you think more like your partner, when it comes to the second or third game!

enjoy exciting    doomsdayplanning